Periodontal Care in Grants Pass

what is periodontal care?

Periodontal care refers to a number of different treatments that are intended to help control, manage, and reverse gum disease. More than half of all adults have some type of gum disease, and many are unaware that they even have this condition. But with the help of Dr. Anderson at A Street Dental, you can diagnose, treat, and manage your gum disease to keep your mouth healthy. Contact us now for a consultation.

tooth implant

Did you know…

Gum disease is the #1 most common cause of tooth loss in adults and seniors, and proper gum care is essential for your oral and overall health.

Ready to schedule your consultation?

Call (541) 476-9792

how it works: what to expect during your perio appointment


comprehensive oral exam

First, your Grants Pass dentist will examine your mouth and look for common signs of gum disease like bleeding gums, gum recession, and gum inflammation.


In addition to an oral exam, Dr. Anderson and our team will take x-rays to check the health of your jaw, and see if your gum disease has affected your jaw and your teeth.


diagnosis & discussion

After your oral exam and x-rays, Dr. Anderson will discuss his findings with you, and go over a few treatment recommendations and next steps for your treatment.

developing your treatment plan

Every patient is different, so Dr. Anderson will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs and the extent of your gum disease.


You may need to schedule one or more follow-up appointments. Our front desk team will help you find a few dates and times that work for you. Then, just come back to our office for the treatment you need.

our periodontal services

View our services

deep cleaning (scaling & root Planing)

Deep cleaning, also called “scaling and root planing,” involves cleaning deeply between the teeth and gums with special dental tools. It takes two appointments, with one half of the mouth being cleaned at each. Dr. Anderson will clean bacteria and plaque away from between your teeth and gums, smooth out the roots of your teeth, and provide you with antibiotics to help prevent bacterial buildup in the future.

gum grafting

Gum grafting is used to reverse gum recession and some other complications of gum disease. Dr. Anderson will take some healthy tissue from the roof of your mouth and use it to rebuild your gums. This improves your oral health and the appearance of your smile, too.

gum flap surgery

Gum flap surgery is used to clean deeply in periodontal “pockets” that form underneath your teeth. These pockets form due to bacterial buildup below your gum line. Since they’re full of bacteria, they’re a major contributor to the progression of gum disease.

In gum flap surgery, Dr. Anderson will make a flap-like incision near the gums. Then, through this opening, he will remove the diseased tissue. Then, the incision will be closed and allowed to heal. Special dressings may also be used to help encourage healing and to help new gum tissue form near the surgical site.

Did you know…

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46% of adults aged 30 and older show signs of gum disease.

Interested in scheduling a consultation?

Call (541) 476-9792

Have questions about periodontal care? Explore our answers.

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why do I need periodontal care?

If you have gum disease, you cannot reverse it on your own, even with great at-home oral hygiene. Without periodontal care, your condition will only get worse. Eventually, you could lose one or more of your teeth. That’s why periodontal care is so important. If you suspect that you may have gum disease, contact A Street Dental today for a consultation with Dr. Anderson.

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what is gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the gums. It’s caused by a buildup of bacteria-filled plaque and tartar between your teeth and gums. Over time, these bacteria enter your gums. As a result, the gums swell, become inflamed, and may become discolored.

At first, it has minor symptoms. But over time, gum disease will only get worse. As the infection spreads, it can damage your teeth and jaw, lead to gum recession, and even cause your teeth to loosen or fall out. 

Because of this, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible. In the early stage (gingivitis), gum disease is reversible. But the later stages of gum disease cannot be reversed. While they can be controlled and treated, you will need special gum care for the rest of your life.

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You can reverse gum disease only if you detect and treat it early enough. That said, adopt proper oral hygiene habits like brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly once you detect signs of gum disease. Also, rinse your mouth with anti-bacterial mouthwash, preferably after every meal, to eliminate disease-causing bacteria.

Aside from proper oral hygiene, you should also visit a dentist for prompt treatment. Dentists will use a technique known as laser treatment to stimulate stem cells that helps build eroded bone. Doing so also helps preserve gum tissue by eliminating infected tissue and the bacteria in it.

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Dentists conduct regular cleaning to keep the teeth clean and prevent cavities and gum disease. Regular cleaning starts with scraping off plaque and tartar on the surface of the enamel. Next, the dentist conducts an oral examination to check for cavities and signs of gum disease. They finish up by flossing and polishing your teeth with gritty toothpaste.

On the other hand, deep cleaning involves more extensive teeth cleaning beyond the tooth’s surface to eliminate calculus and debris in the roots. The first step in dental deep cleaning is periodontal scaling, which removes tartar and plaque below the gum line. The second step is root planing, which smoothes root pockets to remove disease-causing bacteria.

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Periodontal disease is a severe gum infection that destroys gum tissue and erodes the jaw bone. Common symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen and red gums that become tender and sometimes bleed. Sometimes, the gum pulls away from the tooth, exposing more enamel and making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities.

Bad breath could also indicate periodontal disease, especially when accompanied by a bad taste that won’t disappear. Some patients may experience loose teeth and experience pain while chewing. Their teeth also become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, which makes eating foods like coffee and ice cream difficult. You might also experience a change in your bite alignment and denture fit.

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Most dentists accept insurance for periodontal cleanings and gum disease treatment. This includes deep cleaning, debridement, and X-rays. However, surgical interventions involving the gum are a gray area, with some dentists accepting insurance while others restrict treatment to only cash payments. That’s because surgeries are complex, requiring specialized tools and multiple visits.

Here at A Street Dental, we accept a wide range of insurance plans, so you don’t pay out-of-pocket for your periodontal cleanings. We also offer third-party financing and an additional 10% discount for cash payments. New patients are also eligible for a $150 new patient special. This means you get $150 off your dental bill regardless of your payment method.

Did you know…

In the early stage (gingivitis), gum disease is reversible.

Ready for a new smile?

Call (541) 476-9792